Is it ok to use Coupons on Dates?

Is using a coupon to pay for a first date a bad idea? A new survey by Coupon Cabin shows it’s not.

The survey of 2,800 adults shows nearly one-in-five have used a coupon on a first date. More than 25 percent said they wouldn’t mind if their date used a coupon to pay for a date. Read full article HERE.

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How to Organize Your Coupons

If you can’t find your coupons you can’t use them. The best way to organize coupons for the least amount of money is by using a Coupon Box. Here are the steps to create your own Coupon Box.

1. Purchase your supplies.  The size of the box is very important because it allows the envelopes to fit without moving and this size fits perfectly in the child seat of a grocery cart. Also, a box with a secure lid is important because you don’t want to drop it and have all of your coupons fall out.

What you will need
Clear Plastic tub with lid (7 3/4″ x 13 3/4″) (Height: 5 1/2″)
Blank index cards (qty: 50)
Envelopes measuring (3 5/8″ x 6 1/2″) (qty: 50)

Total Cost: Less than $10


2. Create your categories. Here are the categories that I currently use. You will need to create one card per category by writting the category name at the top of the index card.

Since I made this category index card I have also added/expanded these categories:

  • Baby – Food
  • Baby – Diapers
  • Baby – Other
  • Make-up
  • Pets
  • Hygiene – Shampoo, Conditioner, Bodywash, Deodorant
  • Hygiene – Shaving Cream, Razors
  • Hygiene – Lotion, Sunscreen
  • Hygiene – Face, Feet, Lips, Other
  • Cleaning – Laundry
  • Cleaning – Dishes
  • Cleaning – Other
  • Snacks – Cookies, Chips, Granola Bars
  • Snacks – Fruit, Nuts
  • Snacks – Pre-made Dinners, side dishes
  • Restaurant Coupons **Keep in back of box
  • Retail Coupons ** Keep in back of box
  • Coupon Policies **Keep in back of box


3. Create your dividers by putting each category card inside an envelope. I suggest folding the flap of the envelope in so that the index card slides in easily. The index card should be standing up like in this picture.


4. Organize your Coupons. Start clipping your coupons and put them behind the appropriate divider. If you have multiples of the same coupon you can paperclip the like ones together.


5. Create envelopes for each store you shop at. By having a separate envelope for each store you can easily put coupons in the appropriate envelope when you find a deal. Use a blank index card for your shopping list; this helps you remember the deals when you get to the store.


6. Finally, decide how to organize your weekly newspaper coupon inserts. When I first started couponing I used the “whole insert” method, which requires you to write the date on the ad and file the whole insert in an accordion folder. However, I found that I missed coupons because the coupon database misses some of the coupons from my region.

Now I clip ALL the coupons out of the inserts and file them directly into my coupon box.  I spend 2-3 hours every Sunday clipping coupons, organizing them, and removing the expired coupons. This method has worked great for me, I hope it works for you too!

8 Grocery Store Courtesy Tips

1. Do NOT clear the shelves.
If you find a great deal please don’t take all of the stock off the shelf. Leave some for other couponers and they will do the same for you.

2. Put unwanted products back where they belong.
It can be frustrating for employees to find cereal in the produce section. Even worse is that it can ruin frozen or refrigerated food by leaving them at room temperature for too long. If you don’t want a product you already picked up, take the time to put it back in the correct location.

3. Leave coupons next to the products that you don’t plan on using.
If you have a coupon for an item that will be expiring and you don’t plan on using it then leave it next to that product. It will save someone else money rather than being tossed in the trash.

4. Be nice to employees.
Occasionally you run into the employee who gets the coupon policy wrong or an employee who rolls their eyes when you give them a huge stack of coupons; they are still people and should be treated with respect. Show them an abundance of kindness and win them over to your side.

5. Grab a cart from the parking lot to use.
If every customer brought in a shopping cart then the store would not have to pay an employee to do that job. If they save money then they are more willing to pass those savings onto the consumer.

6. Do NOT steal all the peelies & tear pad coupons.
You should only take off the peelies if you plan on purchasing the product right then, otherwise leave them for someone who will actually be purchasing the product. Also, it is ok to take a few tear pad coupons but don’t take the entire pad.

7. Let people with fewer items go in front of you in the checkout line.
If you have a huge order with tons of coupons, be nice and let someone with less items go in front of you. By the time they are done you will probably still be working on loading up the conveyor belt. Also, don’t sneak in the 20 items or less lane if you have more than the designated number.

8. Share your knowledge.
If you find a good deal, pass it on. Also, be willing to share with family and friends how you save so much money, it could benefit their financial situation.

Do you have any additional courtesy tip? Leave a commet.

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TLC’s Extreme Couponing is Unrealistic

As a new episode of TLC’s Extreme Couponing kicks off in 1 hour.  It is awesome that it encourages people to start couponing, but it also sets people up for failure because the show is unrealistic.

The Thrifty Couple wrote a great article on, “20 reasons why you are not getting the same results as the extreme couponers.” Check it out now!

Colorado cantaloupes kill up to 16 in listeria outbreak

At least 13 deaths and 72 illnesses have been linked to a listeriosis outbreak from fruit in the US state of Colorado, health officials say.  Read the whole story.