Books Read this Week: EntreLeadership, Poke the Box, Erasing Hell

Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey is a great handbook for businesses. Specifically businesses that sell products and have employees. It covers everything from decision making, marketing, hiring & firing, selling skills, inspiring employees, delegating, and more. Most of the topics covered offered are basic common sense, however, Ramsey offers some great financial advance which he is best known for. Overall this book is easy to understand and would be easy to put into practice.

I listened to this book as an audiobook on my iphone. It is a great way to get “reading” done while cleaning, driving, and getting ready in the morning. It is available to download at Barnes & Noble or at itunes…

Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches - Dave Ramsey


Erasing Hell by Francis Chan & Preston Sprinkle is a powerful book about Hell. It gives Biblical references to the fact that hell exists, what Jesus says about hell, and proves that those who don’t believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell. It is not a book to be taken lightly. It is a great resource for Christians to understand this touchy subject and hopefully it will motivate you to talk to those who are not yet saved. You can purchase the book in audio format, cds, softcover, or ebook.


Poke the Box by Seth Godin is a great motivational business book. The main concept is to “START” and continually try new things. While, it does not provide step-by-step instructions for you to follow, it will at least get you started on your journey. Click here to get this Seth Godin book.

Currently reading: Great by Choice & Tell Your Time.  You can see all the books I plan to read by the end of 2011 here.

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